Monday, August 2, 2010

Referendum on Wednesday

On Wednesday, 4th August, the voters of Kenya will head to the polls again to vote “Yes” or “No” on the proposed Constitution. It has been a long battle for many years to deliver a new Constitution. Politicians have taken sides in this contest and traversed the country campaigning for their side.

There are a few contentious issues within the draft. The proposed constitution does define life as beginning at conception and makes it illegal to perform abortions, but some of the wording does leave room for that to be overturned if the law-makers decide to. It also makes a provision for Kadhi's courts in the new constitution for disputes between two Muslim parties if they both agree to allow a Kadhi to decide. But that is also in the current constitution which has been in effect almost since independence, so even if the document is rejected, we will still have the Kadhi's courts. The positives of the proposed constitution according to me are setting land ownership right, devolving more of the power and money from the federal level to the local levels and providing more checks and balances in the system. Most pre-referendum polls have shown the "Yes" side dominating. Most people think the new constitution will pass, the only doubt is by how much of a margin. A resounding margin would give some legitimacy to it.

We hope and pray for a peaceful voting process and whatever the results that the citizens of Kenya will accept them and move forward as a country. May God’s Kingdom Come and His Will Be Done in this place!

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