Friday, March 5, 2010

Becoming More African

I had some stomach discomfort and back pain this past week, along with some general achiness. I thought it was just that I slept in a bad way or hurt myself playing football. After a few days of dealing with it I went in to the clinic. They found malaria, amoebas and parasites and bacteria in me. I didn't expect those things because in the past when I would get them I would have extreme vomitting and a healthy dose of "the runs." Dr. Sawa looked at me and said, "I guess you are becoming more African. The longer you stay in Kenya the stronger your immunities get and the better you are able to deal with these 'small things' like malaria, amoebas and parasites." I wasn't sure if that was good news or bad news.

Thankfully I got a couple of antibiotic injections and some medicine that quickly started working within 24 hours. Now I feel like a brand new man!


Unknown said...

Whoa. I guess you are becoming more African if malaria becomes not such a big deal. What do I say? Congratulations? Glad you're feeling better.

African Kelli said...

I am not sure that is the way you want to acclimate, but I am really glad to hear you are okay!