Monday, January 14, 2013

A Christmas Blessing

The CGA students are now back to school after a wonderful December break. We are so grateful to all your donations towards our Christmas Tea Party and all the gift packs for our children's families.   Indeed it was a very special day for CGA.   All students gathered in the hall for chapel.  They sang songs of praise to God and also worshiped.  The story of the birth of Jesus was read from the Bible.  The emphasis was on how we can share or give the best we have with those that are in need.   This was crowned by sharing the way friends in America sacrificially gave to CGA.

In Kenya, families and friends love to be together and eat together during Christmas time.  This time around, the families were so happy because they had enough food to eat.  We are all so grateful and May the Almighty God Bless you and all your family members.

This is from one of our English teachers Jessie, who is a Missionary living in Mbita:

The Christmas party went well.  The kids seemed to really enjoy their tea and mandazi.  They were also given lollypops and the lower grades received small teddy bears . I am more and more impressed with Lillian (our Orphan Overseer).  She works so hard and has such wisdom on the spot. It is a privilege to work with her.  The parents and guardians were grateful.  I think they didn't show that much emotion because they couldn't really see what all was in the bag.  But a few who re-packed their bags to be able to carry them better were really thankful.  The person who showed the most gratitude came to give all of us who were helping big strong hugs.  Her eyes were watery with joy.  She just kept saying, "Thank you, thank you, thank you”.


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