Sunday, February 1, 2009

January Update

Returning to Sickness, Car Issues and other Problems

So much has happened in the course of the past month since I sent out my last update. After celebrating Christmas, I said goodbye to my family and boarded a plane to return to Kenya with a three day stopover in London. When I reached Kenya,I hosted an old friend, Jay Forseth, during his two week visit as we went on a safari and then returned “home” to Mbita.

It wasn’t a very smooth transition for me as it included being harassed by a police officer, two flat tires, two more blown out tires, a leaking gas tank, two nights of intense shakes and vomiting as I battled pneumonia and malaria and a few other sleepless nights. It is an interesting story that is well detailed in my blog Through all of it I could see God’s hand as his blessings shined through the difficulties. Many valuable lessons were also learnt along the way.

Kenya is also going through tough times as many parts of the nation are suffering famine. It is a serious problem because of the crop failures of last year after the post-election violence and extreme drought. Our area has not been affected as much as some areas except for the high cost of food. Also, nationally, the public school teachers have been on strike for the past two weeks so the government schools have been closed (CGA has still been open though). In the past week a supermarket in Nairobi caught fire and killed over 20 people and just this past weekend, an oil tanker exploded after rolling over and killed over 100 people.

Sex and Lies

On a personal level, our school has seen first-hand the effects of the rampant sexual immorality in this place. There is a reason that this district has the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in Kenya (27% of the population) and one of the highest in the world. It is because children begin having multiple sexual partners at a very early age, including many young girls that are coerced into it by older men. We have been confronted with the heartbreaking news that three young girls from our school were pregnant. This is the first time that CGA has experienced this challenge. Each case is very unique and we are trying to work through it with them. To make it worse, deceit is another of Satan’s strongholds in this place as many are not willing to speak the truth and open up, spending a majority of their time trying to cover up and hide their mistakes and weaknesses.

Our students hear God's Word daily at school but are exposed to many other things in their homes and in their culture. Much of the immorality is accepted by the community and very little is done to counteract it. We are continually asking God for the strategies of how to bring Biblical principles into the everyday lives of our students, their homes and the community around us.
On the Battlefield

I feel like I have been placed on the front lines of the battle that is raging all around us. My time in the U.S. has renewed my strength and increased my resolve to engage wholeheartedly in the battle. Much of my time since being back has been spent with the children who graduated from 8th grade and are preparing to join their boarding secondary schools on February 2nd (the story is on the CGA website We have been trying to deal openly and honestly about some of their mistakes and problems from last year and prepare them physically, socially, academically and most importantly, spiritually for what awaits them in secondary school.

One thing I have noticed is that I seem to adapt faster in my transition coming back to Kenya than I do in my transition back to America. The dusty roads and swarming clouds of lake flies coming from Lake Victoria seem very “normal” to me. Even though it has been challenging in so many ways, I am happy to be back!

Prayer Requests:
1) Pray for God's light to shine on and expose the dark areas of sexual immorality and deceit in this area.

2) Pray for the protection of our children. That they would resist the pressures of becoming sexually active. Pray for revival in this place and that people would live according to God's plan.

3) Pray for the students that are beginning secondary school in the first week of February. Pray that all their financial needs will be met and their physical needs will be met. And that they would be thankful for the opportunity that God is giving them that many others do not get. Pray that they would be salt and light in their schools.

4) Pray for the teaching staff at CGA to continue to teach and disciple the children to know and love God with all their heart. Pray for wisdom as they instruct and discipline these children. Pray for God's Kingdom to come to Kenya through the lives of these children.

You can donate on-line at


Send Contributions to:
Christ’s Gift Academy
636-G Long Point Road #38
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Include a note designating direction of funds (Joe, food, staff, special project, child sponsorship, or general)


Hillary said...

Wow! You are a hero. I'm so glad to know you are feeling better. You and the kids are in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

God Bless you Joe!! To think-I have known you since I was 8 yrs old! Havasu wasn't in this need...but Jesus works right thru you-gives you that faith, that strength, that determination to carry carry His cross-following Him! And doing all you do for them there-shines brightly all the way back here-and in Jesus' heart! For that, He is jumping for joy! You have my support in more ways than verbal and Christ's love...let me know-other than what I am sending you all...what I can do!! Christ is with you, will see you thru-this I truly know!

Philippians 4: 19
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

God Bless you Joe...

In His Grip and Mercy,
Hetty Jensen-Siebens