Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Bad Christmas for Politicians

Last week the International Criminal Court in Hague charged 6 Kenyans for their actions during the post-election violence that rocked the country and left over a thousand dead and half a million displaced from their homes after the 2007 election went awry. These weren't just normal citizens, but a radio personality, the head of the police and high ranking politicians (including the Deputy Prime Minister).

Last year, the government had the option to have them face a local tribunal, but turned that down which then left it in the hands of the ICC according to the peace accord signed by the Prime Minister and President that put an end to the violence. After the announcement of "The Hague Six" other politicians quickly rallied to their side and shot out at the ICC and the entire process. They went back to the card they love to pull out, "This is a tribally/ethnically motivated political ploy. Do these people realize that most people outside of Kenya could care less what tribe somebody belongs to?

I don't claim to know who is guilty and who is innocent, but I do pray for the truth to be revealed and that those who planned and organized the violence and the forceful evictions from people's homes will be brought to justice. That seems to be very rare in this country.

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