Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Crossing of Faiths

Being in Jerusalem can really challenge your faith. Jews and Muslims and Christians are all monotheistic religions that believe their way is the right way. Each of them believe very similar things about the Old Testament. Many other religions believe in the Bible or parts of it. Some even acknowledge Jesus as a prophet. So many people through the ages have lived and died following these different religions.
Even within Christianity there are some very diverse beliefs. There are Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Charismatics, Evangelicals, Methodists, Seventh Day Adventists and so many others. Each has a unique set of beliefs and traditions within Christianity. Each is convinced their way is the right way.

Sometimes when I see the level of devotion among other religions it makes me examine my faith and my level of commitment to what I believe which is a healthy thing to do. No one should blindly accept their faith because of their parents or for any other reason. We each need to examine what we believe.

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