Thursday, September 10, 2009

House Shopping

I found out last week that my rent would be increasing by 50% at the start of October. And my internet payment would quadruple. I have been fortunate in my six years on the mission field in Kenya to stay at ICIPE, the International Center for Insect Physiology and Entomology. It is a nice compound with good security, 24 hour electricity, running water and furnished apartments. The rent is already high compared to any other place around Mbita, but it is worth it because of the amenities. Now the increase has broken my budget and made it unfeasible to continue staying here. So last week I began house hunting, walking up and down the road and up and down the hills of Mbita looking for a suitable place. My life will be drastically changing in the coming weeks. I have found a couple of good options that I am praying through and researching.

One option is next door to fellow missionaries, Steve and Judi Cochran. It is a nice little place about the right size and it would be nice to have friends/family close. The drawback is that there is not electricity there, so I would have to invest some money in solar panels so that I could use my computer, television and possibly a refrigerator.

Another option is a new one being built on the hill. It already has electricity and water connected to it and a great view of the lake, islands and the sunset. It is right next door to a good Kenyan friend of mine, right in the middle of a certain clan. I would really be living "in the community." The compound is secure, but there are a lot of people around that might make privacy a bit difficult.

Life is going to look drastically different, but I am looking forward to a change and stepping out of my comfort zone.

I am praying about these two places or anywhere else that God might lead me to.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'll pray for your house decision and provision.